
Building a server for static web content with Nginx

Complete guide for deploying a server, using Nginx for serving static files on the web and automating the deployment flow with GitHub actions.

Sometimes we don’t want to go to Amazon S3, Heroku or other platform to deploy our simple static website, sometimes we just want a simple VM instance to do whatever we want there. This guide is about that interest and how to proceed with the setup of that.

What are we deploying?

We have a Hugo blog which generates our static content that we want to serve over the web. You just need a hello world page, and you’re good to go. So, no backend server logic just simple html/css code.


  • Go language, so you will have to download and install it in order to use it (Hugo uses it)
  • Hugo framework for static site generation
  • Git version control

Follow the Hugo quickstart guide, and you should have an empty theme with something to show. Generate the final build, and later we will be able to use it for deploying.

hugo --minify

This will generate the website in the public/ directory. And you can preview it with hugo server command.


Setting up the VM instance

We will use an Amazon EC2 instance and select the following:

  • Instance t2.micro (1vCPU and 1GB) and from there it’s the best to always try and pick an Ubuntu OS instance as it has the most things installed on it, bigger community and much less chance of something not working or going wrong
  • Name it test-web-server and check checkboxes to allow HTTP and HTTPS traffic from internet.
  • Configure storage to something between 20GB and 30GB so we have some space
  • Create new login KeyPair like test-web-key and use the default options
  • Launch the instance

Don’t forget to download the test-web-key and keep it safe, we will use it for connecting to the instance via ssh.

# Lets move the key to .ssh directory first
mv ~/Downloads/test-web-key.pem ~/.ssh

# Lets secure the key access
chmod 400 ~/.ssh/test-web-key.pem

# Now we can connect to our instance
ssh -i ~/.ssh/test-web-key.pem ubuntu@your-public-ip

Then once connected when can execute the initial update

sudo apt update

That’s that, our new instance is ready to be used!

Retaining SSH session

If you are finding yourself connecting multiple times from the same terminal window to server via ssh or executing many ssh commands like copying from your file to the server, you can use an ssh session agent.

eval `ssh-agent`
ssh-add ~/.ssh/test-web-key.pem
# ... executing any command against the server

Nginx server

We will need to install Nginx and configure it to serve a basic html page for starters.


# Setting up nginx
sudo apt install -y nginx
# Create a directory for serving our site, here we will have index.html and everything required
sudo mkdir /var/www/mysite 

Now you should be able to see Nginx server hello world on your public ip. It’s good practice to enable Nginx startup on system startup just in case

sudo systemctl enable nginx

Command for starting nginx if it’s not started:

sudo systemctl start nginx

Now that we verified the Nginx is able to deliver content, we can clean up the default site and config it has:

sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
sudo nginx -t
sudo nginx -s reload
Checking Nginx process

In case you need to check the nginx process, and it’s user

ps aux | grep nginx


root     22041  0.0  0.2   4808   684 ?        Ss   08:14   0:00 nginx: master process /usr/sbin/nginx
www-data 22042  0.0  0.4   4976  1044 ?        S    08:14   0:00 nginx: worker process
root     22044  0.0  0.3   3344   812 pts/1    S+   08:14   0:00 grep --color=auto nginx

Website configuration

Now that Nginx is ready on our instance, we need to start preparing it for our website, as it can host multiple sites based on domain and/or ports we want to add configuration specific to our site as mysite.conf.

sudo vim /etc/nginx/conf.d/mysite.conf

Then paste the following configuration

server {
# Once you set your domain
#     server_name;
    root /var/www/mysite;
    autoindex on;

    access_log off;

    index index.html;

    proxy_intercept_errors on;
    error_page 404 /404.html;

    rewrite ^([^.]*[^/])$ $1/ permanent;

    location = /404.html {

    location / {
      try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
Reloading configuration

Note that when you change or add configuration to Nginx you will have to reload it so it can detect changes

# Validates configuration
sudo nginx -t
# Reloads
sudo nginx -s reload

Now lets copy the site we built with our hugo command to our web server

# From the project directory we make a copy to the ubuntu directory because we will need sudo afterwards
scp -r ./public ubuntu@your-public-ip:/home/ubuntu 

Then on the server move the files to the correct directory

sudo mv public/* /var/www/mysite/

Now if you go to the ip of your website you will be able to see the home page, and if you add a none existent endpoint to the url like /random, you will be showed a proper 404 page. 😎


A really powerful optimization that you can add is caching to your server by just adding this rule to mysite.conf:

location ~* \.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|ico|webp|css)$ {
  add_header Cache-Control "max-age=3600";
  add_header Cache-Control "public, no-transform";

It will cache the above files ending with those extensions for 3600 seconds.

Done! Or are we?

Technically we are finished, no? We have the server up on our VM instance serving our site from the public IP, and we can execute the copy of files whenever we want to make an update of the website from our machine.

Well if you have a keen eye, you’ve noticed a couple of problems:

  • We don’t have TLS enabled and that we are not using a domain like at all, just a random IP that we got
  • We have to do all of this manual work every time
  • What if we are on a different machine and want to deploy, do we want duplicate .pem keys for access?

Let’s see about that in the next parts.

Domain, certificate and TLS

Since we started with Amazon EC2 we might as well continue and use Route 53, though you can use whichever other provider you want.

I won’t go into the detail about creating a hosting zone there, it’s quite easy, the only main part I will note as important is: you need to create a record! In order for your site to be accessed via domain to your IP you will need to create an A record pointing to my-site-public-ip and CNAME record pointing to

. Once you set it, wait a little bit before trying to open the website url, you should be able to access it relatively fast.

To get information about the domain you can use dig command:

# Get full info
# Short info
dig +short

For setting the certificate on your server it will be an easy process as Certbot will do all the work for us (don’t forget to register both and, but before starting with it ensure that you have added your web domain name to your mysite.conf configuration file:

# This part should not be commented

Since we are using Ubuntu and Nginx just follow this guide and note that we probably already have snapd installed.

After finishing certbot instructions, it should have updated and reloaded nginx config for us. You can check for final look of the configuration to see how it looks via:

cat /etc/nginx/conf.d/mysite.conf

It should look something like this

server {
    root /var/www/mysite;
    autoindex on;

    access_log off;

    index index.html;

    proxy_intercept_errors on;
    error_page 404 /404.html;

    rewrite ^([^.]*[^/])$ $1/ permanent;

    # HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security)
    add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains" always;

    location ~* \.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|ico|webp|css)$ {
      add_header Cache-Control "max-age=3600";
      add_header Cache-Control "public, no-transform";

    location = /404.html {

    location / {
      try_files $uri $uri/ =404;

    listen [::]:443 ssl ipv6only=on; # managed by Certbot
    listen 443 ssl; # managed by Certbot
    ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/; # managed by Certbot
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/; # managed by Certbot
    include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf; # managed by Certbot
    ssl_dhparam /etc/letsencrypt/ssl-dhparams.pem; # managed by Certbot


server {
    # Redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS
    listen 80;
    listen [::]:80;

    location / {
            return 301 https://$host$request_uri;

On the last part you can see that we are also doing redirections from HTTP to HTTPS.

To confirm that your site is set up properly, visit (and in your browser and look for the “lock icon” in the URL bar.

Automating deployment

As mentioned, manually build and deploy is fine and dandy if you update quite rarely, but if you are doing this often it becomes tedious. For that reason we are going to host our code on GitHub and use GitHub Actions to trigger deployments of our code to our server just like we did manually in the steps above.

Acceptance criteria

  • 🚀 Deploy our changes when we merge a PR (sometimes we just want to update so PR is a trigger)
  • 🕝 Run daily scheduled trigger when we have articles scheduled in future
  • 📝 Maintain Nginx conf via repository

First lets create a git repository where we will host the project, I will leave this to you, overall we need to have our whole Hugo project be there, but exclude via .gitignore our public/ directory and also add mysite.conf file, so we can also manage our Nginx site configuration from our repository. Feel free to copy the entire content of mysite.conf from server over to the root of the project.

But before we continue on setting up the GitHub actions we need to create first a separate user only to be used by our CI/CD system.

Secure bot user

It’s important that we create a new user for our CI/CD runner, otherwise if we use our main key we generated on the start and someone obtains it, that person will get complete access to our VM instance. By creating a new user (mysite_cicd_bot) with limited privileges we will minimize the impact to be only on few things needed just to run this site.

# On server

useradd -m -d /home/mysite_cicd_bot -s /bin/bash mysite_cicd_bot
# Remove password access for the user
passwd -d mysite_cicd_bot

# Lets create a key and copy the public one to the server and the new user's directory (no passphrase)
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f /home/mysite_cicd_bot/.ssh/mysite_cicd_bot.key -C "Key of CI/CD bot"
chmod 700 /home/mysite_cicd_bot/.ssh
cat /home/mysite_cicd_bot/.ssh/ >> /home/mysite_cicd_bot/.ssh/authorized_keys
# Assign permissions for that user
chwon -R mysite_cicd_bot /home/mysite_cicd_bot/.ssh
Generating keys locally
You can generate the private and public key on your machine and just provide the public to the server for security. Don’t forget to secure it with chmod 600 mykey.key.

Now we can copy the private key to our local machine and use it for ssh connection to test it out:

ssh -i ~/.ssh/mysite_cicd_bot.key mysite_cicd_bot@my-server-ip

Perfect 🎉, we got connection! You can execute pwd to see that you are in your own directory and whoami.

Next steps are that we need to allow the user to reload nginx, currently if you try to execute the command sudo nginx -s reload you will get:

mysite_cicd_bot is not in the sudoers file.

We can give the user that access by executing sudo visudo and at the end of the file add our user privilege:

mysite_cicd_bot ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/nginx -s reload

Now if you run the above nginx reload command it should show you:

[notice] 41223#41223: signal process started

Change ownership of site directory so that our bot can read and write:

sudo chown -R mysite_cicd_bot /var/www/mysite
# Same for nginx configuration
sudo chown -R mysite_cicd_bot /etc/nginx/conf.d/mysite.conf

Login as the bot user and try to delete the index.html file now.

Now that everything is set up we are able to upload and rewrite files and reload nginx server with mysite.conf config.

tar czf - public | ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no mysite_cicd_bot@your-server-ip '
    tar xvzf -
    rsync -r -P /home/mysite_cicd_bot/public/* /var/www/mysite/
    sudo nginx -s reload

Reference posts for security and permissions:

GitHub workflow

For GitHub Actions we will need to create a directory .github/workflows and add inside it build-deploy.yaml file:

name: build-and-deploy
      - main
      - closed

    # * is a special character in YAML, so you have to quote this string
    # Every day at 05:35am based on UTC time zone
    - cron: '35 5 * * *'

    # Only trigger on merge of PR or if scheduled event
    if: github.event.pull_request.merged == true || github.event.schedule
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
          submodules: true  # Fetch Hugo themes (true OR recursive)
          fetch-depth: 0    # Fetch all history for .GitInfo and .Lastmod

      - name: Setup Hugo
        uses: peaceiris/actions-hugo@v3
          hugo-version: '0.119.0'
          extended: true

      - name: Build
        run: hugo --minify

      - name: Deploy
          SSH_USER: ${{ vars.SSH_USER }}
          EC2_HOST: ${{ vars.EC2_HOST }}
          SSH_PRIVATE_KEY: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
        # When deploying the files we zip them into tar to make the transfer drastically
        # faster.
        run: |
          echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" > key.pem
          chmod 600 key.pem
          eval `ssh-agent`
          ssh-add key.pem
          scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -r mysite.conf ${SSH_USER}@${EC2_HOST}:/etc/nginx/conf.d/mysite.conf
          tar czf - public | ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${SSH_USER}@${EC2_HOST} '
            tar xvzf -
            rsync -r -P /home/mysite_ci_bot/public/* /var/www/mysite/
            sudo nginx -s reload
      - name: Liveness test
        continue-on-error: true # Optional, will not fail action
        run: |
          curl -I

Now you have probably noticed that we have some variables here:


  • EC2_HOST



These can be set through the repository settings via: Settings -> Secrets and Variables -> Actions. Variables aren’t that sensitive, so they are visible, while the private key we created before for our cicd_bot should be hidden for security reasons (though you can even hide all off them for more security, but in reality the key is enough).

Other thing that is different is the way we upload files, here we actually zip files before sending them over the network and unzip them when delivered.

tar czf - public | ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${SSH_USER}@${EC2_HOST} '
  tar xvzf -
# Other commands after 'tar xvzf -' are removed for clarity

This is to prevent sending file by file, as there are a lot of files it takes quite a bit and doing it this way it reduces the time drastically.

On the end we have a Liveness check step:

- name: Liveness test
  continue-on-error: true # Optional, will not fail action
  run: |
    curl -I

this isn’t necessary and won’t fail the flow if it fails, but is there like a safety check to see if the server will provide a 2xx response.

That’s it, we are completely done! 🎉

Now the following should work:

  • When PR is merged to main -> deploy ✅
  • When code is pushed to main -> deploy ❌
  • When set schedule is triggered -> deploy ✅

Bonus PR workflow

If you want, you can add a sanity check test workflow that will check if the site is buildable for PRs by adding the following file .github/workflows/pr-test.yaml.

name: build
  # Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events but only for the master branch
    types: [opened, reopened]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
          submodules: true  # Fetch Hugo themes (true OR recursive)
          fetch-depth: 0    # Fetch all history for .GitInfo and .Lastmod

      - name: Setup Hugo
        uses: peaceiris/actions-hugo@v3
          hugo-version: '0.119.0'
          extended: true

      - name: Build
        run: hugo --minify


We are now able to host our site on our own server and TLS secured domain name with full flexibility to put there whatever we want with everything automated, so that we don’t need to deal with the server, just merge the code to the branch and have it deployed automatically (with secure CI/CD access) 😎

Another good thing if you are using Hugo is, you can set the date of publish to be in the future, lets say 2 days from today, that means that the scheduled trigger 🕝 will build and deploy every day at the selected date-time, but Hugo won’t build the post until its date and time has passed! 📅 This means you can create for example 4 posts, set their release date, sit back and enjoy as you wait for them to be automatically deployed once that date has passed 🚀